My “grape friend” Fortana and the world of FaceBook

It’s stranger know someone in the world is named like grape’s variety I grow for produce my reference wine: Bosco Eliceo Fortana!


Fortana lives in Syracuse, NY, and this is double stranger, because near the Sicilian province of Siracusa, there’s a place named Vittoria, famous for its vineyards on sandy soils like in Bosco Eliceo, WOW

On Facebook I’ve recently knew other interesting people like Daniela, reporter for a time for the informatic sommelier Andrea Gori from Florence. With Daniela I just prepare a cross post of an event in Bologna, dedicated to sweet wine. In this occasion I’ve just met Marco, I knew in Genova during TGV Meeting, where we tasted together a particular type of beer I’ll tell you in next future, once a time…

Fabirizio, instead, is a famous Italian food blogger, this is his blog:

Fabrizio call me on FB for organize a tasting session in Civitavecchia for next March during the presentation of “Lung il Po”, the new interesting book by Michele Marziani: literature and wine, a great coupling!

So I thank Mrs Fortana for accepting my crazy request on FB, I dedicate her this post, and I hope to realize new beautiful relationship with this way…
